a future museum
Reading Room



Reading Room

Throughout the course of the ‘Future Museum’ artist residency, it was decided to employ the book as a key device for the organisation and presentation of a number of small ‘micro’ projects. Each ‘micro project’ would form a distinct thematic strand, feeding into the wider conceptual concerns of the project as a whole, and be represented by an individual book.

Within the final installation of the ‘Future Museum of the Present’, and once again in an attempt to parody the assumptive power of the formal institution, the second floor space of the ‘Museum’ was converted into a ‘Reading Room’ within which the various ‘publications’ of the Museum could be examined.

These books are available for purchase through Blurb.com.

The conceptual development of the project, and the concerns and nature of each of these ‘micro projects’ and their resultant books, are explored through a central volume entitled ‘A Future Museum of the Present’ (Project Narrative)



future Museum

A Future Museum of the Present (Project Narrative)


Images of Orange

‘Beelden van Oranje’ (Images of Orange)


The Archeology of Sealed Surfaces

The Archaeology of Sealed Surfaces.



de Hood.


Notes in the Margin

Notes in the Margin of a Dutch Landscape.


Augmented Dordrecht

Augmented Dordrecht.

